The Ultimate Guide To Blocking Websites On Android Chrome: Mastering The Art Of Digital Control

The Ultimate Guide To Blocking Websites On Android Chrome: Mastering The Art Of Digital Control

how to Block a Website on Android Chrome

What do you mean by blocking a website on Android Chrome?

Niche Utama 2 How To Block Website On Android Phone And Computer - Javatpoint

Blocking a website on Android Chrome means preventing access to a specific website on the Google Chrome browser on your Android device. This can be useful for blocking distracting or inappropriate websites, or for preventing access to certain websites for parental control purposes.

Niche Utama 2 How To Block Websites On Android Phone Or Tablet:  Ways

How can you block a website on Android Chrome?

how to block a website android chrome Niche Utama 2 How to Block Websites on Android Phone or Tablet:  Ways
how to block a website android chrome Niche Utama 2 How to Block Websites on Android Phone or Tablet: Ways

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There are several ways to block a website on Android Chrome. You can use browser extensions, parental control apps, or even edit the hosts file on your device. In this article, we will discuss some of the most effective methods for blocking a website on Android Chrome.

What is known about blocking websites on Android Chrome?

how to block a website android chrome Niche Utama 2 How to Block Website on Android Phone and Computer - javatpoint
how to block a website android chrome Niche Utama 2 How to Block Website on Android Phone and Computer – javatpoint

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Blocking websites on Android Chrome is a common practice for parents who want to restrict their children’s access to certain websites or for individuals who want to limit their own browsing habits. It can be done using various methods, each with its own advantages and limitations.

Solution for blocking a website on Android Chrome

If you’re looking to block a website on Android Chrome, there are several methods you can try. From using browser extensions to editing the hosts file on your device, there are multiple ways to achieve this goal. In the following sections, we will discuss some of the most effective methods for blocking a website on Android Chrome.

Information about blocking websites on Android Chrome

Blocking websites on Android Chrome can help you improve your productivity, protect your privacy, or keep your children safe online. By using the right tools and techniques, you can easily block access to specific websites on your Android device and enjoy a more focused and secure browsing experience.

How to block a website on Android Chrome

There are several methods you can use to block a website on Android Chrome. Some of the most common methods include using browser extensions, parental control apps, or editing the hosts file on your device. In the following sections, we will discuss each of these methods in detail.

Method 1: Using browser extensions

One of the easiest ways to block a website on Android Chrome is by using browser extensions. There are several extensions available in the Chrome Web Store that allow you to block specific websites or set up custom filters to block certain types of content. Here’s how you can use a browser extension to block a website on Android Chrome:

1. Open the Google Chrome browser on your Android device.

2. Go to the Chrome Web Store and search for a website blocking extension, such as Block Site or StayFocusd.

3. Click on the extension you want to install and then click on the Add to Chrome button to install it.

4. Once the extension is installed, you can access its settings by clicking on its icon in the Chrome toolbar.

5. Enter the URL of the website you want to block in the extension’s settings and save your changes.

6. The extension will now block access to the specified website on your Android Chrome browser.

Method 2: Using parental control apps

Another effective way to block websites on Android Chrome is by using parental control apps. These apps allow you to set up filters and restrictions for web content, including blocking specific websites. Here’s how you can use a parental control app to block a website on Android Chrome:

1. Download and install a parental control app from the Google Play Store, such as Qustodio or Norton Family.

2. Follow the app’s instructions to set up parental controls on your device.

3. Look for the website blocking feature in the app’s settings and add the URL of the website you want to block.

4. Save your changes and the app will now block access to the specified website on your Android Chrome browser.

Method 3: Editing the hosts file

If you’re comfortable with technical tasks, you can also block a website on Android Chrome by editing the hosts file on your device. This method requires some knowledge of how the hosts file works, but it can be an effective way to block access to specific websites. Here’s how you can edit the hosts file to block a website on Android Chrome:

1. Open a file manager app on your Android device and navigate to the system folder.

2. Look for the hosts file in the system folder and open it using a text editor.

3. Add a new line at the end of the file with the following format:, replacing with the URL of the website you want to block.

4. Save your changes and restart your device to apply the new settings.

5. The website you specified will now be blocked on your Android Chrome browser.


Blocking a website on Android Chrome can help you control your browsing habits, protect your privacy, or keep your children safe online. By using browser extensions, parental control apps, or editing the hosts file, you can easily block access to specific websites on your Android device and enjoy a more focused and secure browsing experience.


1. Can I block a website on Android Chrome without using any external tools?

Yes, you can block a website on Android Chrome by editing the hosts file on your device. This method does not require any external tools but it does require some technical knowledge.

2. Will blocking a website on Android Chrome affect other browsers on my device?

No, blocking a website on Android Chrome will only affect the Google Chrome browser on your Android device. Other browsers will not be affected by the block.

3. Can I unblock a website on Android Chrome after blocking it?

Yes, you can unblock a website on Android Chrome by removing it from the block list in the browser extension or parental control app you used to block it.

4. Are there any limitations to blocking websites on Android Chrome?

Some methods of blocking websites on Android Chrome may have limitations, such as not being able to block HTTPS websites or requiring a paid subscription for full functionality.

5. Can I block websites on Android Chrome for specific time periods?

Yes, some parental control apps allow you to set up schedules for blocking websites on Android Chrome during specific time periods, such as during study hours or bedtime.

6. Will blocking a website on Android Chrome prevent me from accessing it on other devices?

No, blocking a website on Android Chrome will only prevent access to the website on the specific device where the block is applied. You can still access the website on other devices.

7. Can I block multiple websites on Android Chrome at the same time?

Yes, you can block multiple websites on Android Chrome by adding them to the block list in the browser extension or parental control app you are using to block websites.

how to block a website android chrome

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